A text Q&aA interview with my grandson, Hudson

All of the above, it’s the combination of teachers and peers and handling them both simultaneously.
Dealing with relationships and academics it’s hard to choose which to focus on making one more important than other when finding balance is key but hard to imagine

Hey, Hudson, let’s start with school, I mean, I heard you didn’t always like it, tell man what’s wrong with school?

Teachers? Friends? What?

All of the above, it’s the combination of teachers and peers and handling them both simultaneously.
Dealing with relationships and academics it’s hard to choose which to focus on making one more important than other when finding balance is key but hard to imagine

OK, Husdon wow, lots of good feedback, the challenge of dealing with choices, focus and all. Tell me more, did you seek help from anyone?

First I had to inspect myself.
Then I talked to loved ones who help.
Family, friends, teachers, mentors
all have helped me in someway

That’s great, Hudson, how did they help you the most? What was most significant for you getting into college?

A great tutor taught me how I can think in a different way, a man who is also on the spectrum, who saw potential in me. He helped open my eyes to opportunities. And who I really could be.

So cool, Hudson, how do you feel about school now?
And what do you want to do ?

I have positive momentum currently. At a crossroads of which of my passions to pursue photography or missional ministries.

Hudson, can you explain to me more how you got the positive momentum ?

Motivating myself to go to a community college, study hard and work part time.

Finally, Hudson, two questions what advice would you give another autistic kid? And what do you see in your future? Any fears? All good to go?

My advice. Stay curious and creative. And I do have fear of missing out, fear of rejection, fear of losing or fracturing relationships. I see myself making an effort to manage my time and be productive, maintaining my relationships…
and keeping healthy by being active with exercise and weights and cardio; going to massages, stretching and eating healthy, with moderation, being financially secure, and having some fun through my passions and going on vacations

Let’s keep going, Hudson, do you consider yourself an autistic kid?

If so, how has that helped you, or hurt you?

I would consider myself autistic.
It’s hurt me because it feels like a label and possibly a derogatory term and that there is a stereotype. It’s helped me though with get extra help and access to help and a different set up to learn in an academic setting

Excellent answer, Hudson. Do you have any guidance for how to make friends?

It’s difficult because some people may not want to be your friends. I would say share your interest, ask them to do an activity with you. Like golf. Laugh and be sad together

I know you have more college ahead, Hudson, but have you thought about career opportunities?

Here are some career opportunities and examples of what I’m thinking about:
Nonprofit: Feed My Starving Children
Church: Youth Pastor, Youth Group Leader Helping youth

No more questions, Hudson, I just want to thank you for the update and your candid responses. They provide true insight and are most helpful. And, I want to note that I like those career opportunities, they all call for a caring heart, and I believe you have one.